Skjermbrett og hukommelsestap - The never ending story?

Det er ikke bare problemfritt � bruke Powerbooken om dagen. Helt siden jeg fikk den for et �r siden, har den hatt en skjermfeil som jeg ikke har hatt tid til � f�tt reparert f�r n� etter at jeg kom hjem fra USA.

Men da jeg fikk den igjen fra Apple etter en tredagers skjermturne, var ogs� den ene minneporten d�d. S� n� m� jeg levere den inn en gang til og f� byttet ut hovedkortet. Herlighet.

Wed 03/11-2004 20:03 • /blogg/Hardware/Applecomments: 0 • permalink

Livl�st Tr�dl�st

Det tr�dl�se nettet p� Powerbooken tok kvelden i g�r. Det betyr tr�bbel, n�r en har en Businessplan som skal v�re ferdig innen en uke og alt vi har av nett her er uten en tr�d.

Jeg stakk p� Apple Store i Palo Alto, der har de noe som heter Genius Bar der de hjelper brukerne med diverse sp�rsm�l. Uten � mukke smelte de opp lappisen min og bootet den et par ganger f�r de dro ut et kort og satte inn et nytt et. Jeg m�tte bare signe et papir, s� var det long kiss goodbye. Bra service.

Wed 04/08-2004 01:06 • /blogg/Hardware/Applecomments: 0 • permalink

AirPort Express - Stereoids for iTunes

Today I went to Apple Store, Stanford, and grabbed one of those Airport Express for $129. This “plug-your-music-to-your-stereo-through-wireless” unit is pretty impressive in that way that it unleashes your music over the wireless network and it is fully integrated with iTunes, so you basically just choose which Airport to stream to (if you have more than one) and press play.

Read more about it at Apples web site, the only thing I miss is the ability to stream video to the TV, hopefully next release will address that issue (after we all have bought this one, that is)

Wed 28/07-2004 23:31 • /blogg/Hardware/Applecomments: 0 • permalink

Where are you?

I just got off the phone with Apple Store. I needed an update and someone to talk to after days of frustration while waiting for my PowerBook to show up. I have received quiet a few of those “Apple order updates” telling me how sorry they are and that they will send me the lean-mean-monster-machine in the first, than the third and last time, the second week of October.

I felt I needed an qualified explanation after observing the Slashdot-thread stated that OS X 10.3 Panther was due to be released the 24th of October. Does my machine get this preinstalled? Do I have to pay full price for this new must-have OS?

First, the nice person at Apple kindly explained me that my machine still was at the assembly-line in Taiwan. Great. And without telling me, I understood that it wasn’t much he could do to make them work harder or escalate my order. The delay was caused by some lack of airport components, he was told.

When I asked him about the release of Panther and the fact that my very delayed order still wasn’t shipped (preloaded with an soon-to-be-obsolete OS), he said that my package would contain an upgrade-ticket I could use to order Panther only for the price of shipment ($20 or NKR 140,-).

As all Apple releases, things are kept very tight until release-date, so I just had to wait until my package arrived and then do the Panther-order when I had my PowerBook serial-number in front of me. He calmed me with the phrase that “this order wouldn’t take that long since all this DVD’s would be available throughout the Apple Store chain in good time before the release date”. Yeah, right. I can’t wait to get my hold on this thing.

Wed 08/10-2003 20:04 • /blogg/Hardware/Applecomments: 9 • permalink

Apple PowerBook 15” — waiting…

I’ve made my decision. I’ve become a switcher
(*). Well, it’s really a while since I made up my decision about that. I’ve had enough of “sleeping-modes” and hibernates that never recovered and things that didn’t work as intended.

I have been waiting for Steve Jobs Keynote for months and when he finally pulled out the new 15-inch PowerBook from his hat, I was sold. I ordered one immediately together with a 20GB Ipod and a Brenthaven T2 backpack.

Now I am just walking around waiting for my gear to appear. My last order-status received from Cupertino estimated the deliverance to ship the second or third week of October. What can I do except to wait?

Sun 05/10-2003 04:13 • /blogg/Hardware/Applecomments: 9 • permalink

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